How To Add Notes To Your Score

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How To Add Notes To Your Score

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You can add notes to any score by selecting the note icon. Once selected, the note dialog will appear and you can specify text for your note and customize its appearance. You can set the background color, opacity, font size, height, width and justification.
iGigBook_Notes_Add.png (146.74 KiB) Viewed 16245 times
To save the note, select the save icon on the bottom right of the dialog. To delete the note, select the delete icon on the bottom left.

If you are using the Single Index System, notes added only apply to the current transposition of the book. If you are viewing an Eb version of a score any note you add will apply to the Eb book only, the C, Bb, and Bass Clef books will not display the notes from the Eb book. In contrast, if you are viewing the chord charts from the Jazz Chord Charts - Transpose book, any note added appears on every transposition of the viewed chord chart.
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Note Edit Mode

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Notes have two modes, an editing mode and a display mode. Adding a note activates editing mode and a black border appears around each note on the current score allowing you to easily identify notes you have added. After saving a note it will remain in editing mode which means you can position the note where you desire by dragging it with your finger. You can also resize a note by dragging the bottom right corner of the note. To edit the note again, tap the note and the note dialog will appear. When you make changes to the appearance of the note you must select the save icon to confirm the changes. To cancel changes, just tap anywhere on the screen outside of the note dialog. To delete the note from the score, select the delete icon. To exit note edit mode, press and hold the screen(Not the note icon) for two seconds or until the black border around the note disappears. To enter edit mode again, press and hold the screen for two seconds or until the black border around the note(s) appear.

Score in note display mode.
iGigBook_Notes_bare.png (176.37 KiB) Viewed 16243 times
Score in note edit mode.
iGigBook_Notes.png (185.7 KiB) Viewed 16243 times
You can use notes with text to annotate a score in several ways using a combination of color and opacity. Since most scores have a white background, you can use a white background with 100% opacity for your note to erase or replace content that is on the original score. You can highlight important parts of a score by using a blank note with color and adjusting opacity so that the original content of the score shows through.
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Hiding Notes

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While in note display mode, selecting the note icon toggles the display of all notes for all scores. When notes are hidden the note icon will display with a red circle with a line through it indicating that notes are currently hidden.

All Notes Hidden
iGigBook_Notes_hide.png (142.85 KiB) Viewed 16241 times
All Notes Displayed
iGigBook_Notes_bare.png (176.37 KiB) Viewed 16241 times
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New Note Features - Version 5.2

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Version 5.2 of iGigBook introduces a number of changes and enhancements to notes which make it notes more flexible.

Controls have been added so that you can precisely position your note(x and y position) on the screen after placing it in the area you want using your finger. The height and width controls have been changed to enable more precise setting of the height and width so that you can always have multiple notes with the same height and width.
TextNotes.png (127.24 KiB) Viewed 27365 times
Select the quarter note icon along the bottom to get access to over 100 common musical symbols. Symbols include accidentals, music notes, articulations, dynamic markings, bow markings, and more. You can place these items anywhere on your score and use the new positioning controls to get them exactly where you want them.
SymbolNotes.png (95.58 KiB) Viewed 27365 times
Select the staff icon along the bottom to place up 4 bars of a music staff on your score. Three different types of staves are available, a standard staff, a repeating staff and a staff that you can use for chord symbols.
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Now Available in iGigBook 6

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Now Available in iGigBook 10

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If you've done any musical theater, there's always a situation where you need to pull a measure, a system, or multiple systems from one score and paste it into another score. iGigBook 10 adds a cut and paste feature that makes this easy to do.

Take a look at the feature in action:

How To Use The Cut And Paste Feature - iPad Only