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Quick Start Guide For iGigBook Newbies

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:54 pm
by Forum Admin
Getting PDF content into iGigBook

How To Add A PDF Score/Book To iGigBook, describes the different ways to add content to the iOS or Android version of the app:

How To Add A PDF Book/Score To iGigBook

iGigBook Overview

GigBook Sheet Music Manager assumes that you have your own sheet music in PDF format. Single sheets of music, multiple page scores, fake books or real books are items YOU must add to iGigBook for it to be useful. Thousands of professional musicians use this app because it's a great way to organize sheet music and they are tired of carrying around multiple books with no way to easily find the song that they need.

iGigBook has two main parts; a My Scores view and a Book List view.

My Scores View

The My Scores view lists all of the PDF files that you have added to iGigBook that do not have an index, such as single sheets of music. Remember, YOU must provide your own PDF content AND you do not need to use indexing to use iGigBook. Take a look at How To Create, Import and Manage Bookmarks. Bookmarks are a great way to reference parts, sections or songs of a larger score and allows you to provide meaningful names for those sections/songs that will show up in the Song Title search along with indexed song titles.

Once the content has been added, refresh the My Scores View by pressing the refresh button at the top left (iOS) or top right (Android). The refresh button looks like two curved arrows.
MyScoresLegend.png (288.4 KiB) Viewed 200302 times
Book List View

The Book List view lists indexes for fake books and real books and when you add the corresponding PDF(you must provide the PDF) you then have a powerful system for easily locating and displaying a song. Want to use the indexing features of iGigBook?

Check out the New User Super Simple Index Tutorial:

New User Super Simple Index Tutorial!

The Six Easy Steps For iGigBook Index Success, will take you through the process step by step:

Six Easy Steps For iGigBook Index Success
BookListLegend.png (245.37 KiB) Viewed 200302 times

How To Navigate While Viewing A PDF Page

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:40 am
by Forum Admin
  • Tap the top 30% of the screen: Previous page of the book that the current page is in.
  • Tap the bottom 30% of the screen: Next page of the book that the current page is in.
  • Tap center of the screen: Toggles you in and out of full screen PDF view.
  • Tap with 3 fingers to disable/enable screen taps described above.
  • Swipe left: Next item in set list, search result or song in the book depending on the current view.
  • Swipe Right: Previous item in set list, search result or song in the book depending on the current view.
  • Pinch with two fingers to set zoom level of current page, tap with two fingers to lock the zoom level for future pages(iOS only).

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